Monday, August 22, 2011

A new place

I woke up with nerves and now I'm feeling pretty good. It was great getting to meet the whole group, especially those who don't live in federal way.
We all crammed onto a little bus that took us to our hotel. Driving past a Domino's pizza and Burger King made me feel like I was at home. Milana bought us all orange Fanta's and 2 litter bottles of water.

Day one is close to an end. Can't wait for day two.

*Short and to the point - LIT

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's been awhile

So, it's been awhile since I blogged last. I'll make this short...
Mission Trek was awesome! My kids got to have the whole 'food' experience. They got to be the migrant worker, then sort, package, deliver, unpack, pack again, and hand out to families.
And I got engaged!

Those are the highlights to my year. Next adventure is getting to go to Guatemala for work. More to come!

*Short and to the point - LIT

Sunday, August 15, 2010

one of those posts...

well, its definatly been awhile since i've done any blogging. what in the world have i been up to? lets see...
- i got a really great boss, and then he left for an amazing opportunity in London, goodluck tim
- i have re-connected with some of my closest friends from grade school, middle school, and high school
- i went on another great mission trip this summer with the high school kids where they got to see the not-so-cool side of seattle and started to really understand the meaning of 'dignety of the human person'
- work is going well, sometimes it makes me wonder, but ultimately i know that i'm there for all the right reasons
- i continued coaching soccer with my coaches and loving every minute of it
- my condo is done and awaiting a house warming party
- and to top it all off, my best friend Jacque is engaged and getting married next september, i'm so happy for her

life is still far from a box of chocolates, still more like a box of mixed nuts, but i'm alive and well.

lets see if i can keep this up

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Breaking point

I think I've almost hit my breaking point. I should be happy but I don't feel that way. i even had a break down on the way home from work today. My boss is back at work; I should be happy. I have mutual exceptence on a condo; I should be extatic. I just applied for my job again and I'm gaurenteed the spot; I should be thrilled. I'm doing more music and playing soccer; I should be happy and energetc. But, I'm not. I really hope that this change in personality and behavior is a result of the meds my dr gave me because I would hate to think that I have become depressed on my own. I need to get my groove back

-- Short and to the point: LIT

Friday, July 31, 2009

Is it wrong...

Is it wrong to want things in your life/work/relationships to go "right" or how you planned it? Why is it so difficult? I know things/obstacles/events happen for a reason and you're supposed to learn from them, but you know what, it would be nice for your plans to play out the way you intended!


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm so excited

So, I'm sitting at home, just finished an episode of BONES, moved on to the Bachelorette (yes, I did say the bachelorette) and then all of a sudden my phone rings. It's a ring time I hadn't heard in awhile. I looked over and saw a familiar face and it was BRITA! She is home; in Washington state!

All is right in the world today :)

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, July 25, 2009

its been two weeks and i'm doing pretty good

so, two weeks ago i went in thinking i was having a cyst removed from one of my ovaries and woke up with a four inch incision and a large endometrioma removed. lets just say, not what i expected.

then, i stayed home for a whole week. however, there is some good news. i finally have a boss! it only took one year, but, better late then never.

i'm looking forward to the future. my roommate comes home on monday! i'm so excited!

more later... just wanted to say that i'm very thankful for all the prayers and good thoughts.
